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Congratulations! You have called and scheduled an appointment for world class service with Air Force One! We hope you are as excited to experience our service as we are are to be serving you!


Before your Master Certified Technician arrives, there are a few things you must know to get the most out o your appointment.  

The information below must be read thoroughly by all clients before service can take place:



>>> ARRIVAL WINDOWS: Your appointment has been scheduled with a two hour ARRIVAL WINDOW. This means the technician could arrive any time during that window, depending upon traffic and/or the previous appointment. For instance, if your appointment has been scheduled for the 8am-10am ARRIVAL WINDOW, the technician may arrive as early as 8am, they might arrive at 10am, but chances are they will arrive somewhere in between. We often get calls from clients 5 minutes into the ARRIVAL WINDOW wondering why the technician is not there. If you are meeting your technician and you need him to call en route to your residence, please make this arrangement with the office at least 24 hours in advance.  


>>> When your technician arrives: Upon his arrival, your technician will do a walk-thru with you to make sure we are on the same page with everything, and that there has been a firm understanding of the exact work to be done and the exact price. If you have ANY remaining questions after thewalk-thru, please ask your technician before he begins the cleaning process.    


>>> How long will it take? Air force One use state-of-the-art equipment, so the average 6 room appointment takes just under two hours to complete. Our technicians are very, very higly trained professionals with a minimum of 4 years' experience, and they work at a good, strong pace. Some appointments may take no more than an hour, depending upon the type of cleaning being done and the labor involved. When other companies pay low wages and have a high turnover of inexperienced employees, the customer often is forced to wait for several hours the slow worker to finish. Our technicians do not hurry or rush by any means, but your time is valuable, and they are there to work hard for you. 


>>> How long until it's dry? Due to the powerful equipment  we use, the average tile, grout, and wood flooring cleaning dries almost instantantly, and your carpet cleaning DRY TIME IS ABOUT 4 HOURS. None of that soaking wet carpet nonsense you may have experienced with other companies. One of the reasons for this is we no longer use truck mounted equipment. WE used truck mounts for over twenty years, however, there were several issues that never sat well with us. When you have hundreds of feet of hose coming out of the back of a van, clear up to the master bedroom or back basement bedroom, you lose a ridiculous amount of suction, often resulting in a 24-hour dry time. Also, in the winter time, the line that comes from the truck to bring in your "steam" solution gets cold while sitting in the snow and ice, so the cleaning process suffers. We switched to more powerful machines several years  ago. These machines are the same concept-the hoses, the wands, the steam cleaning/hot solution extraction method, but much less moisture is used, more suction is used, more heat is used, and together with our 100% RESIDUE-FREE, CERTIFIED ORGANIC cleaning products, you get the most impressive cleaning anywhere in the industry. 


>>> When can we walk on it? Because of the 100% RESIDUE-FREE, CERTIFIED ORGANIC cleaning products we use, you may walk on your carpet, tile,  and wood flooring immediately upon completion of the job with clean footwear or bare feet. However, extreme caution must be used to avoid slipping and falling due to the remaining dampness, especially when going from carpeting onto tile. We also ask that children and pets remain out of the workspace until completion of the appointment, just so the technician may give you the best service without distractions. When a DuPOnt Teflon Certified Application is given,we prefer to let the Teflon "set-up" for a few moments after completion, but this extra step is not really necessary if your need to go on the carpeting right away.


>>> SPOTS. Most companies in this industry run a special or place an ad, then they later tell you they charge extra to remove spots. Air Force One is a company built upon honesty, integrity, and character, and, as such, we have NO HIDDEN CHARGES OF ANY KIND. Our technicians never charge extra to remove spots, stains, or pet issues. Having said that, please read the following sentence carefully: IN NO WAY CAN WE, OR WOULD WE EVER, IN ANY WAY GUARANTEE THAT EVERY SPOT, STAIN, PET ISSUE, OR ODOR WILL COME OUT. We are the very best at what we do, in fact, we have a saying around here that goes "If we don't get it out, nobody can!", because we enjoy such great success at getting carpet clean that other companies could not. And while your carpet will always be cleaner, safer, healthier, and fresher, some stains just don't come out. The same goes for high traffic wear patterns, as these often look like dirt, but are actually worn areas where the carpet has darkened from use. 


>>> What constitutes "a room" of carpet for these purposes? Other companies try to nickel and dime clients with "square footage limits". We do not partake in such practices. At Air Force One A ROOM EQUALS A ROOM, AND HALLWAY EQUALS A ROOM. It is that simple. We go by the blueprint or the floorplan of the home. So if you have a great big main floor family room, that is considered just one room. If you have a small bathroom, that is also considered one room. If you have on open-concept floorplan with a living and a dining room that run together, this will, of course, be two rooms. The attached foyer or breakfast nook in an open-concept floor plan will count as a room, and so on. Any hallway over six feet long equals one room- no exceptions, as hallways are often smaller, but get more pure traffic than most other areas. BASEMENTS: Your technician will fairly "divide" your basement into the number of rooms appropriate for its size. The general rule of basements is to figure how many standard bedrooms you could fit in the basement. We are very fair, if not generous in the figuring, and our clients love that we do it this way.


>>> ADDITIONAL ROOMS: If you are taking part in an Air Force One Carpet Cleaning special package, the price to add an additional room is just $29. This price includes deep steam cleaning, disinfecting, our Signature Scent Tropical Deoderizer, and a DuPont Teflon certified application. Regular pricing is usually $58 per room for all of this. Your technician will always have plenty of time to complete addional rooms and furnishings, so feel free to add on as much as you like when he arrives!


>>> WALK-IN CLOSETS ARE ALWAYS FREE! While other places love to pad the bill with additional cloest fees, we do not. All walk-in closets, in fact, all closets are cleaned free of charge no matter the size. Our technicians do not move any personal items into/out of closets, and any moving of these items must be done prior to the technician's arrival. 99% of our clients just have us clean the open area or "the strip" of carpet down the middle of the closet.


>>> STAIRS: Stairs are the very most labor intensive work our technicians preform. Technicians are down on hands and knees, and they go over each entire stair a minimum of three times, so they can turn out beautifully clean, bright, and fluffy.  The Air Force One standard price for cleaning stairs is extremely low, and has been the same for 34 years...just $2/stair, and this includes the free Teflon Carpet Protectant, making our stair pricing the most affordable in town! Please note: rooms may not be traded for stairs on Air Force One special packages.


>>> FURNITURE MOVING:  Air Force One is a FULL SERVICE company. Most companies in this industry either charge you to move furniture, or they just don't move it at all. Our technicians move all of your basic furniture for FREE, so you don't have to lift a finger!


VERY important points to understand:


A.)   We move: recliners, loveseats, sofas/couches, sofa chairs, coffee tables, end tables, some sectional sofas (if unlatched, based upon the technician's discretion), and dining chairs. That is a lot of furniture! That is also it. Please do not ask our technician to move beds, dining room hutches, or anything listed in #2 (below). Sorry to be curt and so direct in this area, but years of experience have taught us that clear communication is the key to happiness.


We move (by picking up, sliding, or tilting) the furnishing, clean the area where the furnishing sat, then we return the furnishing to its original position, placing barriers between the furnishing and the carpeting if needed. All the work is done for you.


A SPECIAL NOTE ON STYROFOAM BLOCKS AND PLASTIC BARRIERS: Most carpet cleaning companies use some form solvent in their cleaning process, and these harsh chemicals never rinse completely out. Therefore, when they place furniture back on the carpet, the solvents leach the wood stain, paint, and other pigments out and cause carpet staining. This is why they must always use styrofoam blocks or plastic sheets under the legs of furniture. Aside from having solvent residue in their carpeting, the customer is left with the irritating task of going around their home, lifting all of their furniture, removing the barriers, and putting the furniture back down.


Air Force One Carpet Cleaning uses a very low-moisture steam cleaning system using 210 Degree H20. If tough spots are encountered, an organic, American made emulsifier is used. You are left with pure, clean, slightly damp carpet to which it is then safe to return furnishings without use of barriers or fear of staining. Many of our clients are seniors and/or busy families with no desire to lift their furnishings after the service, and they love that we leave no work for them to do.  


If you have a furnishing with metal legs, wood stain that may bleed, or other considerations, your technician is trained to recognize this and will use barriers in such a case.     


B.) We do not move: anything not listed in paragraph #1 (above), including, but not limited to televisions, computers, stereos (or electronics of any kind), beds, night tables, dressers, dining tables, dining room hutches, pianos, dining tables, armoirs, or refrigerators. 


C.) Our clients are very happ about the amount of furnishings we move. If, however, you feel you need your bed, TV, piano, or any item moved that we do not move, and you wish to do this on your own, you are, of course more than welcome to do so. We do, however, have some very minimal guidelines to be followed in the interest of your safety:  

     a.) Any items moved by the client must be moved completely out of the service area prior to the arrival of our technician, so the client is not working in the service area with the technician and the equipment.   

     b.) Any items moved by the client must be moved back after the departure of our technician.


We love handling all of your cleaning needs for you, and this is one more service we provide for FREE.


>>> METHOD OF PAYMENT. Air Force One is home to the most affordable pricing in the carpet cleaning industry. In keeping with this, we avoid card transaction fees (always passed on to the consumer) by accepting payment by way of check. Our technicians will accept cash as payment if absolutely necessary, but a check is preferred.


>>>In closing, we leave you with a word about >>>VACUUMING before we arrive.....and that word is "YES".  Just as the key to a good mopping is a good sweeping, the key to a good carpet cleaning is agood vacuuming. As amazing a combination as your technician will be with his equipment, we know you would prefer he spend his time cleaning the actual carpet, rather than any chunks of food, dirt clods, Cheetos, rocks, Twizzlers, clumps of (wet) pet hair, or other debris on top of it. If you vacuum at least once per week and have no pets you may disregard this section.            


Yes, this was a lot to read. However, you are now assured the very best possible experience from start to finish when our technician arrives! Many companies in all types of industries prefer for the client to be kept in the dark and as uninformed as possible until they get the bill. At Air Force One, we are quite the opposite. We go to great lengths to provide a crisp, clear, concise understanding of the exact services our clients will receive. This is one of the many reasons we are the #1 carpet cleaning company in Nebraska. We are absolutely thrilled to have you as a client, and we look forward to serving you for many years to come.


May God bless you and your family this holiday season.        





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